You Don’t Do Bugs, But We Do!

It may be stating the obvious, but any bug, critter or creepy thing that crawls found in the house is asking for war. For those of us who face real phobias of insects and other pests, just the thought of an infestation will send you into a spiral of anxiety. Unfortunately, your mind sometimes plays tricks on you, and your imagination may take it too far, paralyzing you in fear as the tiny spider stares at you from the corner of the ceiling, appearing ten times larger than its actual size. You may be tempted to throw your shoe at it or deposit the entire can of insecticide into the air, but staying calm and reasoning is genuinely the best option. While one critter is not considered an infestation, continuous appearances of critters should be addressed with professional pest management to control the situation effectively.
When Is Pest Management Necessary?
Pest management is essential when the invasion impacts the health and well-being of your family or causes damage to your property. As you know, many insects and rodents carry diseases and bacteria that are harmful to humans and your pets and may lead to dangerous altercations if left unaddressed. In addition, the threat pest infestation poses on your property may also have significant implications and could lead to damage to infrastructure, electrical wiring and damage to furniture. Some of these damages may also lead to potential hazards such as electrical fires when cables are chewed or collapsed floorboards and weakened integrity of the infrastructure of your home. After pest control has eradicated the infestation, management protocols should be followed to prevent possible reinfestation.
Pests Are Not A Sign Of Uncleanliness
Many people believe that critters and pests in your house are a sign of poor hygiene, but that is simply not true. Your home can be absolutely pristine with shiny doorknobs and glistening floors, and you can still fall victim to a pest infestation. Of course, there are determiners for attraction like available food and water sources, but for the most part, pests seek warmth and shelter to colonize and reproduce, and many times, the infestation is unknown for months or even longer. Yes, the presence of pests makes your home a target for disease and bacteria, but your home itself is not a dirty place. In fact, insects like cockroaches are incredibly fastidious and groom themselves often to get rid of grime and filth. Still, having pests in your home is a health hazard, no matter how meticulous they are with grooming habits, and should be dealt with professionally.
Taking A Humane Approach To Pest Management
Eco-friendliness and nature preservation have become increasingly essential endeavours in today’s society. But, unfortunately, the effects of harmful chemicals and manufacturing are destroying the planet, ecosystems, and the creatures that make up those ecosystems. Yes, we all want nature to stay out of our homes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we have to take lethal measures that destroy more than just the target. For example, pesticides and insecticides have substantial effects on humans and animals alike and contaminate the soil, air and water sources, potentially harming non-target species. However, being environmentally conscious and using non-chemical pesticides goes a long way in preserving the environment and thriving ecosystems. Unfortunately, you may be innocently setting out rat poison, not thinking of the potential risk factors that it poses, entirely focused on irradicating the infestation, but there are significant downfalls to this approach. Many pets such as dogs and cats have died from ingesting rat poison, and children are too at risk of getting severely ill when curiosity takes over. Choosing an eco-friendly approach to your pest problems is a two-in-one solution as you help preserve the environment while still achieving completely satisfying results.
Pests are not in your home because they want to be. Instead, they are forced into our homes because their habitats are being destroyed with depleting food and water sources to sustain life.
We pride ourselves on environmental consciousness and provide humane and safe pest management services for our clients. Contact us today to learn more about our professional services.